With so many marketing options available for your dance school, it’s important to ask which methods are a necessity for you? Which will work? Which will get your dance school in front of your target audience?
It’s important that you ask the right questions because unless you have a never-ending pot of cash in place, you can’t do everything.
It’s easy to throw money at all available marketing options and achieve nothing so understanding what will work for you is vital to your future growth.
With this in mind, here are 5 marketing musts for you to consider:
1. A stand out website
Your website is your window to the world and is one of the most important parts of your marketing. When people want information, they turn to Google, it’s most people’s first port of call. So, when people are looking for a new dance school, where do they turn? They turn to Google just like I do and just like you do.
Your mission should be that when they do, they find you. Then when they find you, they are faced with a website that is focussed on converting them into a customer. This is all about your website design and it’s vital you get it right.
2. An active social media presence

You can run but you can’t hide. Social media is everywhere, and your potential clients are using it, the question is, are you reaching them?
Social media has never been more popular than it is today, and your school needs to embrace it. It can be a little daunting, what do we post, how often do we post, how can we generate leads? All relevant questions that need to be answered.
There are many reasons why you need to be socially active but here are a few:
- You will reach people you are currently not reaching
- Helps with your website SEO
- Another way customers can connect with you
- Drives traffic to your website
- Distributes important content
- Valuable customer service tool
- Your competitors are using it
- Don’t be left behind and get active on social today.
3. Email marketing
Email marketing is a popular marketing method used by many to promote their business to their customers on a regular basis. Compared to other marketing options email marketing can be very cost effective.
If you have yet to step into the world of email marketing, then this is something you should seriously consider. You can start by using free software like Mailchimp. Simply start adding your contacts, design your email and away you go. You can then add sign up boxes to your website so when people sign up, they are added to your list and they will start to receive you emails.
Email marketing is great for generating leads and reminding people that you are there and ready to engage with them.
4. Video
More and more people are adding video to their marketing efforts and that is why we have included it in the list.
Video marketing is huge and for sensible investment, you can get excellent results. There are very few marketing methods that you can implement which are as impacting as a professionally put together video.
We work closely with Lightyear Films Ltd and would highly recommend them if you are after a professional video, or video ideas! (www.lightyearfilms.com).
5. Blogging
We hear it all the time, “I have no time to blog”., but then in the next breath we hear, “Why am I not getting enough enquiries?”
Yes, blogging does take time, it’s not an instant results method but it does work.
Here is why you need to blog:
- It shows you know what you are taking about
- It helps with your website SEO
- It provides excellent content for your social media posts
- It generates more traffic for your website
- It starts to demonstrate you as an influencer in your industry
Need Help Marketing Your Dance School?
Get in touch with our friendly team todayfor expert advice and ideas.
Call us on 01623 880 436

Justin Widdop
A little bit more about Justin and Choose Purple.
Choose Purple are a digital marketing agency offering a wide range of services including website design, graphic design, marketing strategies and social media. With an excellent team of professionals committed to offering the best of services, if we can help you market your dance school then do get it touch. www.choosepurple.co.uk.