Proud parents who frequently accompany their children to dance shows when performing often make these shows magical.
Any parent of a child who often takes part in dance shows knows supporting your kid comes in so many different ways. You become managers and supervise hectic rehearsal schedules and more often than not, you are also the chauffeur, make-up artist, hair stylist, seamstress and financial managers.
Here’s how proud parents make dance show moments truly magical.
Encouraging them to compete with themselves
In every dance show there is a rivalry. In a very competitive environment, this helps inspire dancers to be their best. When parents encourage them to compete with themselves, it only shows that they care about their children’s personal improvement and that its not about focusing on outshining or outperforming other dancers.
Parents make dancing fun
Parents at dance shows certainly make dancing more fun and exciting, not only for the dancers but for the audience as well. There are parents who are considered ‘backstage mums/dads’ and when they start doing the steps themselves just to keep the spirit of these kids alive, it truly adds to the already present excitement that all people involved are feeling.
Every participant in a dance show often struggles to overcome certain disappointments every now and then. Parents are there to make things light particularly when circumstances get more serious than it should be. Parents are good at cracking jokes and it makes everything more fun when dancing is no longer enjoyable.
Setting goals
There is always that fine line between pressure and encouragement to feel the way you do about dance practice and actual performance. Dancers should not be the extension of a parent’s unfulfilled dreams. By letting them set their own goals and providing them the opportunity to make their own choices, there is no better way to make an ordinary dance recital into a delightful memory. Dancers know already which goals they want to reach and parents are there to make sure they reach these no matter what.
Modelling positive behaviour
It is good to show your kids positive examples like appreciating the performance of others and offering congratulations to everyone. Treating others with respect and identifying the positive in other people helps make your child distinguish excellence in themselves. This also helps them recognise their own talents and weaknesses more realistically.
Keeping their feet on the ground
Parents can do a lot of great things like keeping it real for their dancers. As a very supportive parent, it is a must to understand the world of dancing because it could help children to keep things in perspective like when expecting audition results or the level of training they still need. It also helps to explore other fields of interest because one day, the role of dance in one’s life will practically change and it would help them a lot if they were able to plan ahead for that moment.
Show them you are proud
Parents should not just be proud of their children during winning times. At dance shows, you can see a lot of parents with beaming smiles and this only proves that they will be proud no matter what. This helps children who are performing in dance shows to realise that win or lose, this is just a part of being a performer and that the experience is more essential than how things turned out.